C&S Council 2016 AGM and Elections
Posted by Shreeya Luthra (C&S Secretary) on
30 August 2016
Notice of C&S Council AGM and Elections
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Clubs & Societies Council is to be held on Tuesday 13th September 2016 from 2pm in Lecture Theatre R7 (Rotunda).
The primary items of business for this meeting include the election of the 2017 C&S Executive and 2016 C&S Executive reports.
The agenda will be sent out shortly. Any clubs wishing to add items to the agenda should forward them to the C&S Secretary at secretary@monashclubs.org no later than 48 hours before the meeting.
As usual, each club is only entitled to send one representative to a C&S Council Meeting (either the Club President, or one of their Proxies).
If the Club President or current proxies cannot attend, the Club President can nominate any Ordinary Member (Clayton Student) of the club to be a proxy. If no one from the club is able to attend the meeting, please submit a Council Apology in a timely manner before the meeting.
President Proxy Form.pdf
Council Apology Form.pdf
Shreeya Luthra
C&S Secretary
ELEction information
This AGM will feature the election of the 2017 C&S Executive. The positions to be elected are:
General Representatives (5)
The term of office for these positions will be from 1/10/2016 till 30/9/2017. All nominations must be submitted in accordance with §5.4.2 of the C&S Constitution. This section reads:
5.4.2. A nomination of a candidate for election as a C&S Office Bearer shall
be made in writing on a nomination form supplied by the Returning Officer;
state the nominee’s full name and Student number, the body (a Club or the Executive) from which s/he is being nominated, and the position held within that body;
state all Clubs of which the nominee is a committee member, and the position held in each Club;
include the signed consent of the nominee;
be endorsed by a Club Office Bearer of each of 2 Clubs, at least 1 of which the nominee is not a member, and include the signature, full name, Student number, Club and position held within the Club, of each endorser; and
be delivered to the Returning Officer at least 48 hours prior the scheduled start of the General Meeting at which the election is to be held.
Nominations for these positions must be received no later than 3pm Friday 9th September via the red nominations box in the C&S Office. Hard copies of the forms are available in the C&S Office and a soft copy can be found at the bottom of this article. If there are no nominations for a position it shall be filled in accordance with §5.6 of the C&S Constitution.
Candidates may also submit a written statement to support their nomination for inclusion in the agenda. This statement may be up to 500 words in length and must be submitted via email to the Returning Officer (elections@monashclubs.org) by the close of nominations. Statements will ONLY be accepted via email from the account of the nominating body (e.g. Monash Astrology Club – astrology@monashclubs.org). Position descriptions can be found below.
If you have any questions regarding this process or your eligibility feel free to contact me via email (elections@monashclubs.org).
C&S Executive Nomination Form.pdf
Jessica Stone
Returning Officer
C&S Executive Position descriptions
Position descriptions as per §2.4.4 - §2.4.8 of the C&S Constitution
2.4.4. The duties of the President shall be to
preside as chair over Executive Meetings and General Meetings;
attend MSC meetings, vote in the interests of C&S, and report outcomes to the Executive and/or C&S, as appropriate, or to ensure her/his nominee, who must be an Executive Member, does the same;
submit reports to MSC on the activities of the Executive and C&S, as required;
represent C&S, and act as its spokesperson, to MSA, the University and other bodies, as appropriate;
submit reports to Executive Meetings, as appropriate;
submit annual reports to the AGM and to MSC;
monitor and review grants regulations, in conjunction with the Treasurer;
evaluate and process grant applications and reports, as prescribed in the C&S Grants Regulations;
staff the C&S space for at least 2 hours per week; and
perform other duties, as the Executive may resolve.
2.4.5. The duties of the Vice President shall be to
attend Executive Meetings and General Meetings;
preside as chair over Executive Meetings and General Meetings, in the absence of the President;
assist the President in her/his duties;
perform the duties of the President if that office is vacant;
assist and liaise with Students applying to start new Clubs, in conjunction with C&S Staff Members;
preside as chair and Returning Officer at Inaugural General Meetings of Clubs or their nominee (who must be a member of the Executive);
submit an annual report to the AGM;
evaluate and process grant applications and reports, as prescribed in the C&S Grants Regulations;
staff the C&S space for at least 2 hours per week; and
perform other duties, as the Executive may resolve.
2.4.6. The duties of the Treasurer shall be to
attend Executive Meetings and General Meetings;
monitor and review grants regulations, in conjunction with the President;
prepare budget submissions to MSA, in conjunction with C&S Staff Members, as required;
represent C&S in MSA budget meetings, as appropriate;
evaluate and process grant applications and reports, as prescribed in the C&S Grants Regulations;
monitor spending from the C&S grants budget;
submit an annual report to the AGM;
staff the C&S space for at least 2 hours per week; and
perform other duties, as the Executive may resolve.
2.4.7. The duties of the Secretary shall be to
attend Executive Meetings and General Meetings;
prepare agendas and minutes, and serve notice as Prescribed, for General Meetings and Executive Meetings;
act as Returning Officer for C&S Office Bearer elections, as appropriate;
ensure that an up-to-date register of Clubs and Club Office Bearers is maintained;
ensure that inwards and outwards correspondence for C&S and the Executive is handled correctly and in a timely manner;
ensure that Clubs are informed of relevant issues discussed, and resolutions made, by the Executive, in a timely manner;
submit an annual report to the AGM;
evaluate and process grant applications and reports, as prescribed in the C&S Grants Regulations;
staff the C&S space for at least 2 hours per week; and
perform other duties, as the Executive may resolve.
2.4.8. The duties of each General Representative shall be to
attend Executive Meetings and General Meetings;
evaluate and process grant applications and reports, as prescribed in the C&S Grants Regulations;
evaluate and process annual club registration packs, as prescribed in the C&S Affiliation Regulations;
staff the C&S space for at least 1 hour per week; and
perform other duties, as the Executive may resolve.