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C&S Council EGM 02/08/18

Posted by Fergus Calwell (C&S Secretary) on 19 July 2018

Dear Club Presidents

An Extraordinary General Meeting (Reference: 02/18) of the C&S Council will be held on Thursday 2 August 2018 from 2:00pm in the S9 Lecture Theatre. 

The main item of business will be the Misconduct Appeal Hearing for the Monash Science Society.

The agenda, including written submissions from the club office bearers and the C&S Executive, will be sent out before the meeting. Any clubs wishing to add items to the agenda should forward them to myself at no later than 72 hours before the meeting.

If you or your current proxies cannot attend, you can nominate any Ordinary Member (Clayton Student) of your club to be a proxy. If you cannot find anyone from your club to attend the meeting please submit a Council Apology in a timely manner before the meeting.

President Proxy Form.pdf
Council Apology Form.pdf

If you have any questions about the EGM, please feel free to contact me.

Fergus Calwell
Clubs & Societies