
Cyber Security Club, Monash (MonSec)



Monash Cyber Security Club (MonSec) aims to promote an awareness of cyber security. Throughout the year the club teaches practical and industry relevant skills in a series of workshops, in addition to various other events. The club promotes the building of social and professional relationships, both internally and with representatives from industry. Members also compete in various capture-the-flag (CTF) challenges throughout the year.

Aims & Objectives

The purpose of the Club is to advance the education of the students of Monash University by—
(1) introducing students to the cyber-security industry by providing practical workshops and organising security talks presented by industry partners and security researchers;
(2) teaching students by providing technical challenges that develop critical thinking and creative skills transferable to many areas of life;
(3) raising awareness about the importance of information security and encouraging students to spread this knowledge amongst greater communities;
(4) promoting an interest in competing for the national Cyber Security Challenge Australia (CySCA) Competition for Monash University; and
(5) encouraging individuals to build social and professional relationships within the MonSec community by sharing their technical skills, experiences and ideas in workshops.

Annual Membership (MSA Card)


Annual Membership (Non MSA Card)
