ACES Industry Night
Posted by Qiqin Yu (Association of Civil Engineering Students) on
25 May 2017
Building bridges between Industry and Civil Engineering students
The ACES Industry night is the flagship event of the Association of Civil Engineering Students. The event aims to create a platform for civil engineering students to be familiar with the current civil industry and networking with representatives from the industry.
The ACES Industry night was delivered in two stages: company presentations and networking. In the first stage, each company representative gave a 10 minute presentation addressing the works that they do and introduced their graduate and vac work programs to students. Since the time when this event was held was when most companies started their graduate program applications, this was quite meaningful to our members. In the networking stage, each company sets up a stale with a banner and a table. students had the chance to speak to representatives from the company which they were interested in and acquired more information about the projects that they do, people they were looking for.
In this year’s industry night, six civil engineering companies which covered infrastructure, transport, geotechnical and water were invited to the night. There were Jacobs, Beverage Williams, SMEC, ATC Williams, Taylors and Dalton Consultant. Members thus could develop an understanding of the industry in multiple perspective, ACES supplied a variety of food including sushi, sandwich, subway, fruit and drinks. The event went well and attracted more than 150 attendees which was the highest among the past few years.
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