ACES Vacation Work Information Session
Posted by Hoai My Truong (Association of Civil Engineering Students) on
15 August 2018
Past student vacationers share their personal industry experiences and tips and tricks to securing a vacation role.
Held on Tuesday the 31st of July, the annual ACES Vacation Work Information Session was an evening for students to hear about personal vacation work experiences from a panel of ex-vacationers, learn of the various opportunities that are available, and pick up useful application tips.
The event started at 5:00PM with a welcome speech by ACES’ president which was shortly followed by presentations from the panel comprising six student speakers and one guest speaker. The panel speakers shared a myriad of vacation work application and on-the-job tips and tricks and a total of ten different industry experiences at companies and organisations including VicRoads, Jacobs, GHD, Aurecon, CPB Contractors, SMEC, Acciona, City West Water, ACE Contractors and KBR.
The intention of having multiple speakers at this event is to give students insight into the diverse opportunities that the industry offers to help them discover their niche, and to encourage them to seek a vacation role since work experience is critical in enhancing their employability.
Following the presentations, students were welcome to some delicious pizza, drinks and an opportunity to casually network with the panel speakers.
The event was a success as students found the evening to be informative and so, ACES look forward to holding this event again next year to continue supporting our peers!
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