Short Supply Magazine Launch
Posted by Joseph Guo (Economics Student Society of Australia - Monash Branch) on
13 August 2018
The fourth issue of ESSA Monash’s annual magazine explores the vast challenges and opportunities facing the global community in the future.
The Economics Student Society of Australia (ESSA) released the fourth issue of Short Supply on Tuesday of Week 2. The magazine features articles written by ESSA’s dedicated team of student writers and editors, as well as a guest article by Monash Adjunct Professor and Productivity Commissioner Dr Stephen King.
This year’s issue, themed ‘The World of Tomorrow’, highlights the importance of economics in understanding and addressing the vast challenges and opportunities that will be faced in the coming years and decades. From healthcare to climate change, the magazine covers subjects that all students can resonate and engage with, regardless of their academic background. ESSA’s writers attempt to explain important economic concepts without the jargon, increasing economic awareness and understanding on campus.
Physical copies of the magazine were distributed at a BBQ outside the Learning and Teaching Building, where students were served sausages and veggie burgers. The event was well attended, with over 200 magazines handed out on the day. It was great to have students from all walks of university life pop by, from loyal ESSA members to those with little economics background.
Additional copies were made available for collection in the Menzies Building foyer and have proved popular among passers-by. Students who were unable to collect a physical copy can view or download a digital version on the ESSA website here.
ESSA hopes readers find the content in this year’s issue engaging and eye-opening. The ESSA committee looks forward to seeing more students at the society’s upcoming events, such as the Melbourne vs Monash Economic Debate and the flagship Q&A.
Find out more about the Economics Student Society of Australia (Monash)