
GLEAM - Queers in STEM



GLEAM is a student group for Queer+ identifying science, technology, engineering and maths students at Monash University.

We offer opportunities for younger Queer+ students to create nurturing connections within the wider Queer+ community at Monash. We emphasise lasting friendships between students across year levels and industry connections with companies who are LGBTIQ+ friendly.

For students in earlier years, we focus on building relationships with older GLEAM members. This gives students new to university life a stable, positive experience. Who better to study with than someone who has already completed the subject? GLEAM is a safe space. (Being a member of GLEAM will not out you to your family should you join!).

For students in later years, we emphasise connections with past GLEAM alumni. Their experiences in the industry are an invaluable resource when considering future LGBTIQ+ friendly employers. What’s more, GLEAM provides an industry night where all GLEAMers are encouraged to chat with, ask questions of, and learn from industry guest speakers.

Aims & Objectives

The aims and objectives of the club shall be to:

(i) provide career-oriented resources and work-place specific information for students about LGBTIQ-friendly engineering employers;

(ii) provide a community for LGBTIQ engineering (and STEM) students to network and meet other LGBTIQ students in their classes;

(iii) equip all GLEAM members with the support needed to thrive in a straight-male dominated university and industry environment.

Annual Membership (MSA Card)


Annual Membership (Non MSA Card)



Club Secretary