
Islamic Society



Monash University Islamic Society (MUIS) represents and supports the needs of muslim students on campus. We organise regular social and spiritual events throughout the year, which include: BBQs, Iftars (meals to break fast), halaqahs (study circles) and much more! These events may provide a significant platform for networking and expanding our knowledge about Islam. We also manage the prayer facilities in the religious centre and endeavour to assist you with any religious or academic enquiries.

Aims & Objectives

(i) Represent and support Muslim students to the University administration; and
(ii) Ensure the rights of Muslim students are upheld on campus; and
(iii) Help Muslim students observe their faith by managing prayer facilities on campus; and
(iv) Help to ensure the provision of certified, non-contamination of halal food on campus; and
(v) Cooperate with the Islamic Societies on other Monash University campuses in sharing resources and cross-promoting events; and
(vi) Cooperate with the Islamic Societies on other university campuses to foster unity and harmony among the Muslim student body in Melbourne and Victoria.

Annual Membership (MSA Card)


Annual Membership (Non MSA Card)



Luqman Sheriffdeen (President)