
Materials Engineering Society (MatES)



The Materials Engineering Society is a club formed to bring together materials engineers of all year levels. We hold many events throughout the year, including academic events such as site tours of engineering companies, and FYP + vacation work information sessions. We also hold revision sessions near exams in our very own common room, which is open to all members all year. It is located in Building 36, near Materials Engineering reception. Our social events include BBQs (with cider!) and end of term dinners. Join us to meet new mates, and form bonds stronger than 316L stainless steel!

Memberships can be purchased through the link below and clicking on the "Join Now" button:

Aims & Objectives

- Provide an academic development and support assembly for students, geared towards building a group centred on encouragement for educational growth
- Further the prospect of undergraduate employment within the Materials industry through the exchange of information with industrial and commercial business and other academic institutions within Australia and overseas
- Enhance integration and friendship between individuals within the Materials Engineering discpline by providing a social network for students from all academic levels
- Give Materials Engineering students an identitiy within the university

Annual Membership (MSA Card)


Annual Membership (Non MSA Card)



Lachlan Machell (President)
