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C&S Council EGM - 01/08/2023

Posted by Chayli McCann (C&S Secretary) on 18 July 2023

An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Clubs & Societies Council has been called for 1.30pm on Tuesday 1 August 2023.  This meeting will be held at the Religious Centre, Monash University, Clayton Campus. This meeting will be held in-person only with no Zoom attendance available. 

The primary business of the meeting will be the Misconduct Appeal Hearing of the Monash Association of Debaters Inc. (MAD).  The agenda, including written submissions from Monash Association of Debaters Inc. (MAD) and the C&S Executive will be sent out in due course.  

Notice Information
Further details of the meeting can be found below:

Notice of C&S Council Extraordinary General Meeting 

In preparation for this meeting it is requested that the person attending on behalf of the club (President or valid Proxy) reviews the below Misconduct Appeal Hearing Information sheet BEFORE registering their attendance. 

Misconduct Appeal Hearing - Information for C&S Council Attendants 

Attendance Registration 
To register your attendance for the C&S Council EGM 02/23, please click on this link: Registration Form.

Proxy Appointment and Apologies
Club Presidents may opt to appoint a valid proxy to attend the C&S EGM with this nomination being any Ordinary Member (Clayton Student) of the club. To appoint a proxy please click on this link: Proxy Appointment Form noting that all proxy nominations must be received no later than 1.30pm, Saturday 29 July in order to be considered.

If no-one from the club is able to attend the meeting, please submit a Council Apology in a timely manner before the meeting.  

Important Things to Note 
This meeting is expected to go for at least 3 hours, if not longer. The person attending on behalf of the club (President or valid Proxy) should be available between 1.00pm and 5.00pm.

To ensure the meeting begins as close to the scheduled start time as possible, punctual attendance is requested.  Check-in will begin at 1.00pm. 

Failure by a Club to be represented at a General Meeting is misconduct under §7.1.1.(v) of the C&S Constitution. 

If there are any questions about the EGM please contact 


Chayli McCann
C&S Secretary