CCA 2018 Careers Guide
Posted by Isaac Ng (Computing & Commerce Association) on
09 July 2018
A comprehensive and concise companion for career-minded students!
The Computing and Commerce Association (CCA) is back in 2018 with our highly esteemed CCA Careers Guide!
With applications for vacationer and graduate programs looming over, it is a difficult task for students to choose which firm is the best fit for you and your career pathways. The CCA Careers Guide provided students with a user-friendly overview of the major firms within the Business and Technology industries. That this guide saves students from all those hours of navigating through company websites for program details and application dates.
Choosing where to apply is far from the end of the journey, and the next step is facing intimidating application processes with multiple stages of online tests, interviews and assessment centres. Aside from the firm overview, the Careers Guide also summarises the application process and includes interview and AC tips along with a sample cover letter for perusal.
Physical copies of the Careers Guide were in high demand and limited supply, meaning that not everyone was able to get their hands on a hard copy. Copies were handed out at the OGM and at our very first Women in STEM event. A digital version is available on CCA’s website (, and its free to download!
CCA is dedicated to provide university students with the necessary tools to transition from university life to professional life and our prided Careers Guide is a testament to that. CCA hopes that students are able use the guide to help further their study and career goals.
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